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Release of MichiganVCA Annual Research Report
Strong Michigan venture firms are a critical factor in the success of Michigan startups. With Michigan venture investors backing nearly every Michigan venture-funded startup, the health of our state’s entrepreneurial economy hinges on our ability to provide capital to our high-growth, high-potential companies. Key Findings: - There were 141 active venture-backed startups in Michigan in 2016, which is a 48% increase in the last five years. - 54 startups in Michigan received more than $222 million from Michigan venture capital firms in 2016, a 42% increase from the previous five years. - Every $1 invested in a Michigan startup by a Michigan venture capital firm attracts $4.61 of investment from outside of Michigan. - There are 33 venture firms headquartered or with an office in Michigan. - Total venture capital under management in Michigan in 2016 was $4 billion - In the last five years, the number of venture capital investment professionals living, working and investing in Michigan has increased by 41%.